About Us

Equestrian Nation was founded to create a brand for female riders providing quality equestrian basics perfect for mixing and matching. We believe in supporting our community by ensuring our practices are as conscientious as possible. This translates not only locally, but on a global scale. Our garments are manufactured in a mix of locations locally and internationally. We are proud to work with manufacturers who work under the below initiatives and accreditations. 


The Better Cotton Initiative exists to make global cotton production better for producers, the environment and the sectors future.


Reemi is a social enterprise and non-profit. With a combined passion for health education and addressing women’s empowerment, Reemi strive to break the cycle and create change to women’s health and wellbeing in the global garment industry with a focus on women's health, providing educational and sustainable products that work for all cultures.


OKEO-TEX Standard 100 Certification ensures the effect the dyeing industry has on the environment is minimised.


The Business Social Compliance Initiative is a supply chain management system that supports companies to drive social compliance and improvements within factories.


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